How Well Do You Know Yourself?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on April 28, 2015




To function well in life, you really have to know yourself, to succeed, to grow, to love, to flourish, to thrive.

Certainly you must have heard this before.


But, my question to you is, how well do you REALLY know yourself?



If you don’t know yourself, what you’re made of, how you think, your likes / dislikes,  how will you ever know what your dreams, passions & visions are?

Simply put, you won’t.


But, those around you know, already know how you project yourself, even your pets….






To REALLY know yourself, think about:


What do you want most?


What do you think about the most?


How do you use your money & on what?


What do you do with your leisure/down time?


What or who is the company you enjoy to be with?


Whom & what do you admire, why?


What do you laugh at, or who makes you laugh?





These are the basics of yourself, your likes, thoughts, desires, enjoyment & personal finances.  If you don’t know ALL of these answers, you need to dig deeper inside yourself to find out.


In order to love yourself, which is what you have to do BEFORE you can ever love anyone else, you FIRST need to know about yourself. 

And only then, will the rest follow for your SECOND step, to believe in yourself.  Once you believe in yourself, you can do anything.





“You will never become who you want to be, if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now”………….





See you tomorrow.  




BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.  CLICK HERE  & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;




Sue Price April 29, 2015 at 12:14 am

I know myself very well Linda. I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the world of personal development in my twenties. I know there are many people who have no clue and are not in touch with who they are at all. This does not mean I am perfect and not continuing to grow and evolve.
I love your post and I hope it helps many people.

Linda Frame April 29, 2015 at 1:40 pm

Thank you Sue, I am grateful & proud to have been raised with personal development, positive thinking & helping others first, beliefs & standards. They have served me well to handle all life’s events that are thrown my ways. I too hope that these those hit home with some for their own futures. So glad you enjoyed this Sue.

Kristin Procanick April 29, 2015 at 8:43 pm

This made me think…”Do I really know myself?” And you know…
I think I am FINALLY really getting to know who I truly am. And more importantly..Finally starting to LOVE who I am. =)

Linda Frame April 30, 2015 at 12:34 pm

This makes me sooo happy that you’re finding yourself, because you are finally seeing what I see & hear of who Kristin really is. Once you are finally at ‘peace’ with who you are, there’s no limit to where you are going Kristin! Thank you for your thoughts.

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