You Have to Laugh at, Yourself …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 31, 2019

It seems no one calls you stupid or other unmentionable names, more than yourself! Whether it’s when you drop something, step on something, or make any sort of mistake, you are all over yourself for it.

Is this fair, no it isn’t nor is it very smart because every thing you tell yourself, stupid, you’re dumb, or anything else that’s a negative, down grading remark, is what your subconscious brain remembers. Do it enough on a daily basis and quess what, it becomes embedded in your brain in the belief area

I have said many times, mistakes are an opportunity to learn.

So why not start believing it and learn from it, laugh and retraining yourself, or to put another way, why not stop being so incredibly hard on yourself. You are not at all perfect, no one is and you have not gotten this far in your life by not making any mistakes. You have made a ton, that’s why you have learned so much up to now.

Today I’m not talking or nagging at you about mistakes, I’ve already done that a bit ago and I hope you learned something from it.

Today this blog is about laughing, yes laughing at yourself when you make a mistake, boo boo, mishap … what ever it is you call it, but NOT stupid!

When you drop things, trip over something or say something not quite right, you have to laugh at yourself, and then be done with it, not call yourself a negative name.

Once you develop these habits, they will become second nature to you. In fact, in my book Shattered … I talk a lot about having to laugh at yourself when you mess up.

During my rehab after my accident which is illustrated in my book, when I was finally able to get around the house a little bit better, I decided to have a bowl of cereal. The Home Health nurse put the cereal in the bowl, added the milk and I sent her off, deciding I can do this. Well, it did not go as I planned. Eating now left handed was a coordination I had never had, so the table had more cereal ON it than I had actually eaten, and this was just the first bite!

So laugh at your goof ups, they are NOT the end of the world.

You have to laugh at yourself … linda frame


Linda Frame, RN, CLNC, CCM January 31, 2019 at 4:02 pm


Linda Frame, RN, CLNC, CCM July 17, 2019 at 4:50 pm


Linda Frame, RN, CLNC, CCM May 27, 2021 at 2:51 pm


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