How Are You Handling Your Issues?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on April 30, 2015



At this very moment, something unexpected is going on or has happened with you in your life.  No one is immune to incidents or misfortunes.


There is no doubt an outside force has either given you the wrong answer you were hoping for, dealt you a bad deal, has not worked out the way you had hoped, taken away the things you like the most, changed your life in an instant, or taken away someone that was your best friend or the love of your life. 


Life, can be so uplifting & glorious or so very cruel & unfair, can’t it.  Most of us at some time as felt these rough waters & have been scared.





So now what?


What are you suppose to do now when the cruel affects of life have rocked your entire word?



Simply put, give yourself some time.


Give yourself time alone first. 

Next, give yourself time to listen to others whom you trust the most.   

Finally, give yourself time alone again, to absorb & sort out everything that has happened, understand the facts, understand the reality of what’s happened, recall the words of wisdom given to you, & especially the personal thoughts you have in regards to your individual situation. 


You must for yourself give yourself these steps first (alone time, listening time, alone to absorb & sort time), in order to get yourself back up.




If you don’t go through this process, I promise you the healing & moving forward processes will be compromised.



Okay, I can hear you, I too have had these questions…..


How would you know“? 

I had a life changing accident about 9 months ago & was left with daily challenges, disappointments, pain & suffering, & was told just yesterday of the tragic news / results, that I will now have to live with.


“So what did you do after the accident”?

After the initial shock & I came around to the reality of what happened, I made up my mind (no it wasn’t easy) that I can do this, I have to do this because no ne can do it for me.


“What about your family/friends”?

They were all there, everyone comforted me, did what they could, shared their love & concern.  BUT, as much as they wanted to do things for me & help, there are things that only YOU can do yourself.


“So how did you know what to do”?

I didn’t know what to do, because I was just as scared as my family & friends were.  However, after I was left with the results of what the accident had done to me & the physical devastations, I realized that I had to make my own decisions.


“What did you do then”?

I took responsibility, to do the things that no one else could do for me.  I knew what was wrong, I knew what was coming, I knew I had to take responsibility of myself / my mind.


“What does that mean, take responsibility of yourself, your mind”?

I made up my mind to stop the negative: stop the pity party, stop the I can’t, stop the poor me & poor you, stop the ‘aw it’s so terrible what happened to you’, stop the what am I going to do now’s.  I had to take responsibility of what goes in my mind with the pain & suffering, & what comes out of my mindset & certainty immediately.


“What? Wait, what’s mindset certainty, what does that have to do with your responsibility & accident stuff”?

Pain, is a fact of life & an experience of hurt. 

Suffering, is feeling powerless to stop the pain. 

Mindset, is to know & believe in your mind that you can get through your situation  To know & believe in your mind that you can visualize your positive results.  To know & believe you have the obsession/commitment to make it through this issue successfully whatever it is & with whatever it takes.



“So how do you do all that”?

You have to do Two things :

#1)   Believe in yourself, know that you can get through what ever the issues you are going through, successfully & as a better, stronger person.

#2)  Action, take action, start to move forward yourself in getting back on your feet.


“Wait, this isn’t quite clear, I’m confused”?

Simply put, to get yourself back up you gave to follow this very easy formula to change your Mindset:


Potential:  know that you have 100% massive potential to overcome whatever you’re going through. 

Believe:  in yourself 100% are going to get through whatever you’re going through.

Action:  take 100% massive action, to keep yourself moving forward to overcome whatever you’re going through.

Results:  visualize 100% your results of your actual ability /potential, your belief in yourself to be able to do it, your action taken to move yourself forward to overcome whatever you’re going through, and the results you are working towards to overcome whatever you’re going through. 







Regardless of what’s happened to you in your situation, remember where to start:

Spend some time alone, then:   

spend some time to listen to those you trust, then: 

take some time alone again to absorb & sort out what’s happened to you.


After you have the initial 3 steps, you’ll be ready to start the 4 steps of Mindset.



Tony Robbins is the master of mindset & for your own personal development, I encourage you to follow him, you won’t regret it.




“Make it so today is not like yesterday, & tomorrow will be different forever”  – Tony Robbins




See you tomorrow…..  




BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.  CLICK HERE  & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;



Nancy Loehr April 30, 2015 at 8:46 pm

OMG Linda – what a fabulous post! I can tell you have not only had some serious setbacks in your life your mind is in a beautiful place to conquer those fears! I can feel your energy though all this. You are a force. God bless you and I KNOW you already are wildly successful!

Linda Frame May 1, 2015 at 11:32 am

Oh Nancy you are so sweet, thank you. Yes I’ve had a full plate of setbacks & serious devastation in my life. But, the devastations are what will make you stronger & wiser, IF, you handle them properly. Life comes without instructions, I learned the very hard way, but the nurse in me wants so desperately to help others through the continuous falls along the way. Thank you Nancy for your kind words.

Kristin Procanick May 1, 2015 at 7:05 am

Wow. I just love this post. It is spot on explaining how life will be and the fact that we will experience times of pain and/or suffering. We don’t have to let it control or be our life though. Great action steps and explanation as to how to get through.

Linda Frame May 1, 2015 at 11:38 am

Thank you Kristin, that means so much coming from you! If only more folks would understand what not to let control them. We all have those choices that are hard to see when you’re in the middle of the storm. Terrific analogy Kristin, I really appreciate your thoughts.

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