Never Apologize for How You Chose to Survive …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 16, 2019

There are as many ways to cope as there are people living on this earth. There is no right or wrong way, you just have to get through what ever it is you are facing. The only thing you have to remember is: just do it …

The loss of a loved one or family member, the survival through an illness or an accident, the loss of your home or apartment, a reposession of your vehicle, the devastation of a sexual assault, the loss of your business or what ever has turned your own world upside down. You and only you can decide how you are going to get through it.

This devastation may have been in the past, or it may be occurring right now, whenever it was, you may have had or are having a hard time getting through it. It’s also very common for something that happened a number of years ago, is still today weighing you down and preventing you from getting beyond it.

Life does not come with instructions and guidance can come in any way that you believe it comes in. Through the Universe, through the Lord or just through your own belief in yourself. What ever it is that helps to give you that guided comfort, then that is what shall guide you.

What you need to understand also is there is not a time limit on coping, getting through and navigating through what ever it is you may be going through. Therefore, do not let anyone pressure you that you are taking too long to get through something.

Everyone has different coping and survival mechanisms and that is perfectly fine. Your way will not work for someone else and vice verca. Only you will know in your heart when you are ready to move forward, to get back up, to restore your usual activies, to try again. However, until you decide yourself that you are ready, you should never have to feel as though you need to apologize for feeling the way you do at that moment in time. How you survive through something is your choice and no one elses.

Never apologize for how you chose, to survive … linda frame

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