Walking Alone is the Hardest but it Also Makes You, the Strongest …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 25, 2019

daily adversity support, Linda Frame, Shattered ...
Walking alone is the hardest but it also makes you, the strongest …

Going through anything that life throws you is tough enough, but when you walk through life by yourself, it will make you stronger.

I never realized this as so true, until I had to do this myself. Oh I had a lot of support by me in family and friends don’t get me wrong and they were incredible. However, there were so many things I had to do on my own and work out in my own way.

Having the courage to work things out for yourself is an amazing feat, but there is more to it. For example, it’s the ‘behind the scenes’ look at how that all comes about.

The factors that come into play in doing something on your own includes:

  • over coming your own fear
  • convincing your mind that you CAN do it
  • believing in yourself consistently
  • getting back up after falling down over and over, from mistakes
  • never giving up

I would have to admit that each of these factors were equally scary for me. If you have read my book Shattered … you know what I was left with after my life was changed in an instant.Fear was overwhelming, believing I could when I couldn’t even take care of myself was challenging, and getting back up was a major ordeal when it took 2 people to stand me up on one leg …

When something happens to you physically, your mind is also injured and altered. All of your self control, strength, unconscious movements and no fear attitudes are completely gone.

Take the example of losing a spouse, paralyzes the one now left alone. You can no longer think for yourself, you continue to look around to talk to them about your thoughts or decisions. The fear continues to build walls, you can’t seem to convince yourself you can do anything yourself, you give up easily and you are just frozen, unable to move.

These are real feelings after one loses a spouse and the more everyone around you who attempts to help with advise and directions, you just freeze in overwhelming fear. Quite honestly I can assure you those same feelings happen after hearing a devastating diagnosis.

When I was told I had Cancer, I literally never hear anothe word from the doctor or anyone for days and days. All I heard was the word Cancer echoing over and over in my head, it was deafening.

In my book Shattered … I detailed the events that occured that were very real and for some time it changed me. It changed me just like it changes one who has lost a spouse, or child. Those raw frozen actions are real.

So your challenge is to understand these real issues that people or even you maybe, have had. All the support and encouragment in the world is wonderful, but there is so much you must work out for yourself!

Walking alone is the hardest but it also makes you, the strongest … Linda Frame

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