Dust Settles, but You Shouldn’t …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 29, 2019

daily adversity support, Linda Frame, Shattered
Dust settles, but you shouldn’t …

When something happens to distrupt your life, do you stand up to it or do you retreat? So many answer they would stand up to it and deal with it. However, would or could you really?

I would have to say it depends on the severity of the disruption, don’t you agree. Personally, I was always the one who’s strength allowed me to plow through and handle anything thrown my way. That was just who I was, until I was hit with a devastatating accident that changed my entire life, in an instant.

For some people it doesn’t need to be a devastating accident, it may be that that you have been through so much the devastation has just piled up into a blizzard of challenges.

First of all, you must realize you need to start reaching out for help, support, guidance and even a hand. No one can successfully clear their path by themselves. So allow people in, let them help you and let them be the snowplow that clears your path. Then once you can see your situation much clearer, let you heart and mind work together to start moving you slowly forward.

When the ‘dust settles’ or even the blizzard, no one can decide where to start until they can see around them. So accept a helping hand from those offering to clear the path for you so you can see. Then get up brush yourself off and start moving forward, one step at a time.

Dust settles, but you shouldn’t … linda frame

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