I Can’t Take Anymore Changes, My Life is a Mess!

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 8, 2020

Often things can really get hectic, out of control, uncomfortable & truly stressful sometimes. That continuing band of negative occurrences is what becomes so overwhelming & pulls you apart.

However, it’s that avalanche of one bad thing after another, that’s really teaching us something. Of course in all the confusion & elevated stress levels it’s very hard to imagine that anything good could ever come out of it.

When you are truly overwhelmed, there is a lesson in there for you. It’s how you got there in the first place & how you could do things differently. Have you ever noticed, when all the chaos settles & the dust clears you seem to proceed a bit slower & more cautiously?

That unconscious change in speed is your subconscious mind pulling you back. It’s doing that to actually Change your focus in order to handle things differently. Your subconscious mind is giving you a ‘do over’ to carry out your next problem solving ability, better. These and other factors are variables are covered in my book. http://authorlindaframe.com

Your best changes are sometimes preceded by chaos, unless you totally ignore the signs & the lessons in the first place …

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