No One Is Listening To Me …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 13, 2020

Attitudes are not just the words you speak, they are also your actions. Either way, they show just who you are. Good positive words warm those around you & touch those you never knew were listening. A kind thoughtful gesture is a meaningful impression.

What many people don’t understand is how important words & actions much match. If your words & actions are off, it’s very noticeable. Further, if your words are sweet, but your actions are hateful, there’s a very concerning problem about you.

Actions always speak louder than words & those hateful negative actions stick in other peoples minds for an incredibly long time & usually not forgotten. When you show more consistency with your negative actions, you are permanently burying your reputation. Read in my book Shattered how you can change this state of mind:

You should be very conscious of your actions at all times because you never know who’s watch you. Words & opinions although important, are not what is going to change the world or others around you, only your actions will …

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