Why Am I Always Making Mistakes …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 31, 2020

People want a perfect look, perfect house, perfect mate, perfect meal, perfect job, the perfect life … However, no one seems to understand, nothing is perfect not even your lives.

Think about this, how in the world would you ever grow, progress, learn or develop, if things were perfect. You wouldn’t, you would all be boring, stale, stagnate, quite unintelligent & illiterate, immature, uncoordinated, off balance, unable to feed yourself, care for yourself, identify yourself, communicate, read, write, understand … get the idea here? Not quite.

How do you think you learned all of these minute by minute functions & tasks? By making mistakes until you got it right! You had to learn them & most of them by trial & error. Every time you made a mistake, it taught you something.

As adults, we all continue to make mistakes everyday because that is how we learn best.
So don’t try to be perfect, we learn from our mistakes, so embrace them …

For more information: http://authorlindaframe.com

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