I Am Way Too Busy …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on February 4, 2020

Such a simple gesture, but so many are too ‘busy’. Caught up in their own world, have their face on their phones, too ‘busy’, are only some of their excuses.

This isn’t everyone, but there are those who can’t be bothered & just walk by an opportunity. I bring this up a lot, because I see it a lot.

Some have actually told me they don’t help others because they “don’t want to get involved. Okay, but there’s many that complain about struggling & others don’t seem to care.

Try to be kind to others & at least offer to help. You never know, the heart breaking struggles, they may be going through. So today, reach out & give someone a hand …

For more information: http://authorlindaframe.com

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