I Am Not As Good As They Are …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on February 10, 2020

There’s a lot of folks who have zero self confidence & no self esteem. The reason is simple; this is another learned behavior. You weren’t born that way, as a baby, nothing scares you. Babies climb, reach for fire, pull things down & put everything in their mouth, ears & noses … but somewhere along the lines, they start feeling they aren’t good enough & fearful.

The argument has been, well they do & they made me feel that way .. no you chose to feel that way by others controlling you. A bully, maybe, a parent, maybe, a bad experience or siblings , maybe that too but letting other manipulate you is a learned behavior.

Confidence & self esteem is what you were born with. Should you then be fearless, not exactly. You should however be comfortable with yourself & your own abilities. Those who put you down are very insecure in themselves, so they drag you down in order to feel empowered over you.

Don’t be pushed around & feel uncomfortable. You are worthy, your are enough, you are just as important as anyone else. Your most prized possession, is your self esteem, never let that become misplaced …

For more information: http://authorlindaframe.com

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