What Successful People Know about adversity

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 26, 2015

Hi everyone, ,my name is Linda Frame.  I am an Entrepreneur and post everyday a few words of encouragement and sometimes I have a story to share with you that will help you see you are not alone.  Oops, I see where your thoughts are going first, what’s an Entrepreneur & can I even trust you since I don’t know you, or even heard of your before.  Those are all great questions, so let me answer them for you, but to first ‘clear the air’ about who I am.

I’m a career long RN – Registered Nurse and spent the majority of my career working in the emergency room & the trauma unit.  Yeah, all that “yukie” stuff, but I stayed there a long time because my work as an RN came from my heart & not my bank account.  Frankly there isn’t enough money in the world to pay someone for the work RN’s around the world for what we do in there.  So, rest assured I stayed and did the work only from my heart.  Now, I have phased out of ER & still do some urgent care work, but my passion has been refocused on YOU.  You say, why me I’m not sick, I’m fine!  I’m sure you are, physically, but, are you emotionally?  We’ll come back to that question in just a moment……..

I was in an accident quite a while back and after a two week hospital stay and surgeries for multiple fractures and injuries. that kept me home for a very long time for recovery and rehabilitation.  Now I share this with you not for pity, but for understanding of how I could possibly understand what someone with adversities are going through.  Well, we’ll come back to this point also in just a minute……..

Now I mentioned I’m an entrepreneur and yes I am.  So what does an entrepreneur – a business owner and a nurse whose had an accident, have to do with you?  You say to yourself: well, “I’m fine, not sick, sorry to hear about your accident. that’s nice for you to have a business but I don’t see why you’re here telling me this”.  

As I briefly indicate in my opening sentences, I will be here everyday posting this blog to share encouragement through words to you or an occasional short story.  These are meant to speak to your heart and soul about things we generally do not share with our family, our spouses, our children and many times not even to our BFF, our best friend.  

So if a particular topic of the day here doesn’t suit you, or as I like to say: “speak to you”, that’s fine maybe tomorrows message will.  Just remember, I speak only from my heart through whom I have become, as a person, from the adversities I have have faced throughout my  life.  I speak from my heart as a nurse who has experienced a lifetime of witnessing adversities individuals have gone through.  I speak from my heart as a patient, an individual who has faced adversities daily.  I also speak as an entrepreneur who has made and grown very successful businesses from an embarrassing and humiliating negative bank balance, into a lucrative lifestyle no one ever thought I could do by myself, but have.  

So,  WELCOME, here we go with today’s thoughts about adversities, some call challenges, hurdles, road blocks, bumps in the road.  What ever fits your case today, lets talk about it.

I can’t….

It won’t work….

I don’t have time….

I don’t know how….

It will never work….

I hate doing something new….


Do these phrases sound familiar?  What do all of these phrases have in common?  Have you ever found yourself using any of these phrases?


If you have answered “yes” to any of these, then we need to talk…….    All of these phrases have one thing in common, one common denominator, they are all negative words that will stop people in their tracks.  Can’t, won’t, don’t, hate, never……….these words kind of gives you a tense feeling.  Can, will, make, always, love, try, give………these words tend to feel brighter and “happier”.  If a person uses the “tense” words I have listed in the phrases of the examples above on a daily basis, what do you think happens to their subconscious thoughts?  Do you think they tend to be negative?  On the other hand, if a person uses the “happier” words I have listed on a daily basis, what do you think happens to their subconscious thoughts?  Do you think they tend to be more positive?  Words become part of who we are and if we use negative words day after day, in time our subconscious believes everything we face as a negative and therefore, we will not succeed, we will become weak, and we will live everyday projecting negativity because it has become a learned behavior.  However, when you use positive words day after day, in time our subconscious believes everything we face as a positive and therefore we will not only succeed, we expect to succeed.  Responding in a positive way, you also project qualities of strength, character and courage from deep inside yourself because it has become a learned behavior.   

Negativity is a killer of the spirit in life and negativity is a killer of the challenges in business.  Negative people get very easily caught up in the life of self pity, the why me and the unfairness of life.  By being negative, we miss the opportunities around us for growth and wisdom which are part of adversity.  However, the positive person allows themselves to think much more clearly and deal head on with the hurdles that are standing in our way.

Successful business entrepreneurs realize adversities, aka, hardships, misfortunes, are part of life and deal with them in a positive manner, again from our learned behavior.  Those with the biggest challenges seem to respond with enormous  wisdom, will, strength, character and courage that came from their positive subconscious.  Successful people learn from the difficulties they face and find the strength to overcome them.  Successful business entrepreneurs take each adversity as a learning challenge and their perseverance emerges from deep inside themselves.  Successful individuals believe in themselves, they overcome the negativity by conditioning their mind with certainty.  Successful people’s belief and certainty is a mindset they have developed which produces positive constructive results on a daily basis.  They know and believe in their mind they have the results they need for their success, because of their mindset.  

MINDSET, is the very basis by which Tony Robbins has lectured and taught entrepreneurs for years.  His famous formula for success is actually very simple:    absolute BELIEF leads to massive POTENTIAL leads to massive ACTION leads to massive RESULTS……. and this circle of success continues over and over developing certainty in your mind = MINDSET.

So, change your mindset, turn your “I can’ts” into “I cans”, and your “dreams” into your “plans”……..  Listen to me closely now, if you do not ACTIVELY change your outlook of what your are putting in and thinking in your mind every moment, every hour, every day, you will never change your negative mind.  Even the best in the business (Tony Robbins) will tell you “create a ritual daily that changes and trains your mind”.  If your thoughts are about starting a business for yourself “you must first find the WHY”.  You must dig deep & find the “why you want to stat a new business”.  Is it because you are tired of working hard to make someone else rich at your expense?  Is it because you want to live the life style you’ve always dreamed of?  Is it because you want to by a new home, or new car, or travel the world with your kids and spouse.  Or is it to keep yourself out of debt…….

Everyone has their own reasons for changing their life and even to get into a new business of their own.  Whatever YOUR reason WHY is, you must find it, visualize it and truly take MASSIVE ACTION to reach your results with a POSITIVE MINDSET.

Enjoy and have a ‘positively’ great day……………

 Change Your Mindset



Erica Udeanu January 31, 2015 at 5:28 am

Mindset is everything and I’ll always thank my Mum for teaching me that there is no such word as “Can’t”!

Awesome post Linda and I look forward to reading more.

Linda Frame March 29, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Erica, you had a very smart Mum. By getting that ‘can’t’ word out of your language, you are the person you are today with so much passion, drive & ability to tackle anything. Thanks for your note.

Linda Frame February 22, 2016 at 11:37 am

Erica, Your Mum was a wise woman. There is no such thing as “I can’t”. You have done well with that advise. Thank you.

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