by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 27, 2015

Hello again everyone, ,my name is Linda Frame.  

As you know, if you’ve followed my blog, I am an Entrepreneur and post everyday a few words of encouragement and sometimes I have a story to share with you that will help you see you are not alone.  Oops, I see where your thoughts are going first, what’s an Entrepreneur & can I even trust you since I don’t know you, or even heard of your before.  Those are all great questions, so let me answer them for you, but to first ‘clear the air’ about who I am.

I’m a career long RN – Registered Nurse and spent the majority of my career working in the emergency room & the trauma unit.  Yeah, all that “gross” stuff, but I stayed there a long time because my work as an RN came from my heart & not my bank account.  Frankly there isn’t enough money in the world to pay someone for the work RN’s do.  So, rest assured I stayed and did the work only from my heart.  Now, I have phased out of ER & still do some urgent care work, but my passion has been refocused on YOU.  You say, why me I’m not sick, I’m fine!  I’m sure you are, physically, but, are you emotionally?  We’ll come back to that question in just a moment……..

I was in an accident quite a while back and after a two week hospital stay and surgeries for multiple fractures and injuries. that kept me home for a very long time for recovery and rehabilitation.  Now I share this with you not for pity, but for understanding of how I could possibly understand what someone with adversities are going through.  Well, we’ll come back to this point also in just a minute……..

Now I mentioned I’m an entrepreneur and yes I am.  So what does an entrepreneur – a business owner and a nurse whose had an accident, have to do with you?  You say to yourself: well, “I’m fine, not sick, sorry to hear about your accident. that’s nice for you to have a business but I don’t see why you’re here telling me this”.  

As I briefly indicate in my opening sentences, I will be here everyday posting this blog to share encouragement through words to you or an occasional short story.  These are meant to speak to your heart and soul about things we generally do not share with our family, our spouses, our children and many times not even to our BFF, our best friend.  

So if a particular topic of the day here doesn’t suit you, or as I like to say: “speak to you”, that’s fine maybe tomorrows message will.  Just remember, I speak only from my heart through whom I have become, as a person, from the adversities I have have faced throughout my  life.  I speak from my heart as a nurse who has experienced a lifetime of witnessing adversities individuals have gone through.  I speak from my heart as a patient, an individual who has faced adversities daily.  I also speak as an entrepreneur who has made and grown very successful businesses from an embarrassing and humiliating negative bank balance, into a lucrative lifestyle no one ever thought I could do by myself, but have.  

So,  WELCOME, here we go with today’s thoughts about adversities, some call challenges, hurdles, road blocks, bumps in the road.  What ever fits your case today, lets talk about it.


TODAY, I wanted to share something we’ve all said at one time or another, and for some of us we have said this a lot:  “Why does everything have to go wrong”………  Yes and it’s sometimes followed by other words I won’t go into here.  So, the question here is: why does everything seem to go wrong?  You might have a great few days then BAMM, you’re knocked down for some reason.  Well now what?  Do you just sit down there and complain how you ‘never catch a break’?,  or ‘why me’?, or ‘why can’t anything ever go right’?  It takes a lot of energy and motivation out of you doesn’t it?  You were also on a great ‘roll’ when all of a sudden ‘the rug got pulled right out from under you’, now what do you do?  So, how do you handle these situations?  do you get up and start again, continue on, or just say “Forget it, I’m done, I’m not doing this anymore, I lost my train of thought, It’s not worth it, Forget it, I’m too broke, I’m hurt, I lost everything, Nobody cares, I don’t have a job, I don’t have any money, I’m recovering from an accident and can’t work”…… the list is endless.  It may be more appropriate to ask yourself “why” it happened in the first place.  

The reality is, everyone goes through adversities (challenges, hard times, misfortune, bad luck, hardships) however or whatever you call this, it’s never timely and for some of you, it seems to follow you around.  The challenges are going to happen and most of which you have no control over, then that answers the question of why it happened in the first place.  So, that leaves the last question for you: how are you going to handle it?”

Many people have a very rough time when things suddenly become a ‘crisis’.  In the sports world it’s better know as they “choke up”, “the pressure gets to them”.  Personally, I am a golfer and many of you reading this may know a local golfer who plays a the hometown course and does very well with their buddies or even by themselves when there is nothing at stake.  But when that same golfer gets in a tournament situation, that is when the ‘pressure gets to them” and they play poorly.  Professional golfers, although they play golf for a living and are said to “be use to the pressure”, they too have they bad days or even bad week.  Professional baseball players are similar to the golfers and many times their poor performance is referred to by the fans as: they “choked”, when they dropped fly balls.  Those days happened and even the player feels like they just couldn’t catch a ball the size of a beach ball.

Why talk about performance of an athlete and compare that to your everyday challenges?  It may not be an athlete, it may be a speaker who suddenly can’t talk in front of a crowd and becomes tongue tied.  Or a salesman who during a presentation or sales ‘pitch’ suddenly can’t even remember the name of the product or even the company they work for.  

To be completely fair, not everyone stumbles under pressure.  On the contrary, some people and yes athletes too, thrive under pressure.  You have heard of the “anchor” in sports known for their habit of ‘coming through we you need them”.  Or the ‘pinch hitter’ in baseball being sent in when there’s a situation on the line for the game.  Most team sports have those types of positions and/or people that are specifically in a position or brought in, because they thrive under pressure.  The corporate world has the same pressure hungry folks who work better or get more done when they are under pressure because they’re maybe more creative.  What ever the situation, those who can ‘handle it’ when the chips are down are generally not born that way, it’s also not a hereditary factor.  I can also confidently say I will hear from those who will challenge me about this and that is fine too.  So why is it some people can handle pressure, challenges, hard times, misfortune, bad luck, aka: adversities, better than others?  It is actually not a secret, it’s a learned behavior.

The studies are endless, everyone has the answers ranging from those with the highest degrees of the best colleges to your neighbors next door.  You can spend a lot of time reading theories, but today, I’m only addressing you and me. 


I too have had many many opportunities for the “why me” road.  Should I have taken it, hmmm, you decide with what I’m going to share with you TOMORROW.  

It happens to be a true story with a startling series of events that I am going to share with you because you may need to hear that you are not alone.  You may need to hear a true story that may be similar to yours, a story with a tragic beginning and ending.  This story will show you another example of like in yesterdays message, about finding your “why” in your life and how can you possibly take “massive action” or having a “positive mindset”, when the life you once knew it is suddenly upside down.  But, this story will help you see the different roads that can be taken when true adversity comes from out of no where and puts you in a position of:  “Now what”, “Why me”, “Why now”, “What can I do now”, and of course, “Why does everything have to go wrong”……..

To be continued……. tomorrow…..


Enjoy and have a ‘positively’ great day….











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