Are You Good To Yourself?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on March 17, 2015

HELLO everyone, thank you for visiting my blog today.  My name is Linda Frame and I am here everyday with:    DAILY ADVERSITY SUPPORT 

Authors Note: For my background information, please visit my Profiles on Facebook and Linkedin.

I’m here to talk about the challenges, the hurdles, those ‘nothing goes right days and the set backs that jump in your way unexpectedly.  You may even feel like that ‘black cloud’ hanging over your head seems to have your name on it.  If a particular topic of the day here doesn’t suit you or doesn’t speak to you, that’s fine, maybe tomorrows topic will seem more interesting to your issues in your life.  Why, because I have been through a lifetime of rock bottom challenges, and I want to share how you can crawl back up successfully.

Whether you are at your lowest point with struggles, or at your highest point of success, you still have to take the time to be good to yourself. 

Now, by being good to yourself, I’m not referring to eating the foods you crave or sleep in every other day. I am referring to being good to yourself inside your mind; your conscious and your ‘subconscious’ mind. 

If you’ve followed my blogs, you know I talk a lot about the ‘subconscious’ mind, because that is the most powerful and carries your consistent thoughts that you feed it day in and day out.  So if your consistent thoughts have been negative, hateful and selfish, your subconscious mind is what you express, as negative, hateful and selfish.  Therefore, that is the type of person you are in the eyes of other people, as negative, hateful and selfish, because that’s what you have consistently put in your subconscious.  Make sense?  If not, just read this paragraph again, you’ll get it.

Now, I hope that is not your intent, to be negative, hateful and selfish.  However, if you feed your mind (subconscious) positive, caring and helpful thoughts, that is what others will see in you, as a positive, caring and helpful person.

So, what can you do everyday to be good to yourself?  Feed your mind consistently with the thoughts of how you want to be portrayed and those consistent thoughts and feelings will start to stick in your ‘subconscious’ mind.

You know I love to give you examples of what I’m talking about, so here are some thoughts for you to consistently think about.  Read them everyday, believe them and treat yourself everyday to these good thoughts.  But, the secret is, you have to believe what you are saying and thinking consistently, in order for the ‘subconscious’ mind to retain it.

Accept yourself…………gratefully.

Be yourself……………….truthfully.

Value yourself…………..joyfully.

Forgive yourself………..completely.

Treat yourself……………generously.

Balance yourself………..harmoniously.

Bless yourself……………abundantly.

Trust yourself……………confidently.

Love yourself…………….wholeheartedly.

Empower yourself……..prayerfully.

Give yourself…………….enthusiastically.

Express yourself……….radiantly.

IF, you are not thinking and living these examples I’ve given you here, then be very cautious about how you are really coming across to others.  Remember, you may not THINK you are coming across abrasive, negative or hateful, but your ‘subconscious’ mind is only speaking what you truly believe.  This takes a lot of time and practice to clean out your hateful, negative thoughts from being so deeply embedded into you mind, you have to do this daily, but it’s worth it.

I had to literally practice this everyday, everyday, everyday in order to believe in what I was saying and putting in there, in order to get myself back up again.  I had gone through a lot of very hurtful, negative, painful issues that I had to clean out and replace with positive, in order to be good to myself.  When I did read and believe these consistently, I was able to pull myself up because I BELIEVED in heart and my mind in what I was saying and thinking.

See how this fits for you and stay with it because it will make a tremendous difference in yourself and how you come across to others.

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis, is exactly what you will experience in your life, and how you will appear to others” – Tony Robbins.

See you tomorrow


I have enjoyed all the comments from all of you from everywhere: the posts, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.


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I would love to hear from you, your thoughts and comments.  I would also like to hear of any topic suggestions you would like discussed here that may interest you.  

*NOTE:  All comments are confidential.


Helen Lingard March 17, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Great post Linda, your blog has been part of ‘me’ time – thank you for sharing 🙂

Linda Frame March 29, 2015 at 3:24 pm

Thank you Helen, I’m so glad to have you along for the me time! I appreciate it.

Gail Kendig March 17, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Very Powerful Post Linda…the secret is in reprogramming ourselves..if we don’t someone or something else will!! Thanks a million!

Linda Frame March 29, 2015 at 3:21 pm

Very true Gail, the secret IS reprogramming ourselves. Our minds are just like a sponge & the more negative, disbeliefs & can’t do it’s we put in there, the positives will be drowned out. Thank you Gail, well said!!

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