How to Control Being So Overwhelmed.

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on May 18, 2015




Are you drowning, out of control, you can’t think, feeling smothered & want to just scream?

My friend, I promise you, you’re not alone.  I have been there myself & it’s honestly terrifying, isn’t it.  Wow, you literally feel like the walls & the world is closing in & you can’t even breath.

No that wasn’t a cliche’, I have honestly been through this.  Overwhelming anxiety crept in after my accident last year, I was unable to do anything, get up or move, I was literally overwhelmed & terrified.  So, yes I know the feeling first hand.

What can you do about it? 

First just STOP!


When you are over your head with anxiety, fear, worry, shame, or whatever feelings you’re having you have to just stop& be still.  Give your mind a break, calm yourself down & tell yourself that you CAN do this, because you can.  Come on, trust me I’ve been in your shoes, so please listen closely.

You are going to start taking things a minute, an hour & a day at a time.  Yes seriously, this is about all you can contend with right now, so start here.

The last thing you want to do is to think about the pile of whatever you think is important right now, because you’re not ready yet so put it out of your sight.

Right now, you are going to learn to work yourself up to handling one day at a time; Day by Day. 

You’ll get beyond a day I promise, but right now just stay with me here.

So, here’s How to control being so overwhelmed:



Everyday, say this out loud to yourself: 


…  I will accept myself & live to the best of my ability.

…  I will try to be happy.  My happiness is a direct result of my being at peace with myself & I know; what others do or think, will not deter my happiness.

…  I will say what I mean, & mean what I say with only positive words of encouragement to myself.

…  I will not tackle all my problems at once, but live moment to moment at my very best ability.

…  I will live my life being assertive, not aggressive, being humble, not proud, being confident to be exactly who I am.

…  I will take care of m physical health.  I will exercise my mind, my body & my spirit.

…  I will be kind to those around me.  I will be agreeable, finding no fault with others.  I will not try to improve or regulate others.

…  I will remind myself that God has a special place in His heart for me & a special purpose for me to fulfill in this world.

…  I will believe in my heart that I CAN do this, I CHOOSE to do this, I WILL do this, I’VE GOT THIS!!!


Why are these words to yourself so important everyday? 

Your mind is in overdrive & you have got to take control what else you’re putting your mind before you over flow or over heat your brain.

You have to consciously replace the negative thoughts you have & pour in the positive thoughts everyday. 

Think of it as your yard or garden, you literally have to weed & feed!   You have to kill the weeds (negative) & fertilize (positive) in your mind, aka: Weed & Feed!

When you get through the day, before you go to bed, be proud of yourself for getting through the day without being overwhelmed.

The next day, get up  & start again until this becomes a daily routine of on this day… of positive thoughts & strength.

It may take you a couple of weeks, more or less depending on your issues.  But, you will get there, I promise, I did by doing this.

Are these just stupid?  It depends on your interpretation of stupid.  Do you want to get through is? 

How did you get where you are right now?  Was it simply dropping something or did something devastating happen to you.  Stupid is what stupid does & how it effects you physically or mentally is not stupid at all, in fact it’s overwhelming, terrifying & can be paralyzing.

Just take things one day at a time, stay positive, believe in yourself that you CAN do it & you will handle this.

“Accept what is, let go of what was, & have faith in what will be”………


 I do hope you enjoyed today’s blog & were able to take something away from this subject.. Please leave me your comments below, I would love to hear them.  Most importantly, thank you for visiting my post.




See you tomorrow………  




BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.   CLICK HERE   for & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may email me a:


Sue Price May 19, 2015 at 3:16 am

Linda you give such great advice. Overwhelm is something I think most of us experience online, especially when we are new. I cannot remember the feelings in my business life before online. Maybe it is because of technology now we are always “on”. Cell phone are relatively new and most of us are now so attached to them.

I love your One Day at a time message. Thank you.

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 11:45 am

Thank you Sue for your insights. You are fortunate not to remember the J.O.B. business life feelings, actually a blessing for you. But yes we are always on & “on” which is a great way of describing it. My J.O.B. memories & feelings were more traumatic with the life & death issues in the ER Trauma Unit during my career. But life is one day at a time.

Helen Lingard May 19, 2015 at 3:35 am

Great Blog Linda… this will help so many people… great advice.. thanks so much

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 11:46 am

Helen, thank you for your insight, I hope some of these thoughts will be passed on.

Erica Udeanu May 19, 2015 at 11:16 am

My gosh! This is the best advice I have ever read on this topic:

… “start taking things a minute, an hour & a day at a time.”

Because let’s face it … what else can we do when the walls of our life are crushing us? When you know you can get through one day, then it’s time to tackle the next, and the next and the next. And before you know it, that beautiful life you were yearning for lies open before you … because you trudged through the hard yards.

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome post Linda!

Keep ’em coming!

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 11:52 am

Thank you Erica. I’ve always advised patients to think this way, minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day….. because going through it doesn’t seem like time moves at all. Then going through the hell I went through, I had to take my own advice to literally peel myself off the ceiling with the terrifying & painful feelings. You’d think people would know that it’s the only option, but not so much, that’s where the mountains out of molehills phrase comes in. Thank you for your input, I love it when you read these blogs because I need feedback!

Annette Procanick May 19, 2015 at 8:07 pm

Linda, what great advice you give in this blog. Thanks so much for sharing.

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 11:52 am

Annette thank you for your sweet thoughts, I really appreciate it.

Chris Moofish May 20, 2015 at 3:22 am

Great post Linda, I think a lot of people can relate to your share, getting through our drama can be seen as a great achievement we can draw on when facing a new challenge, thanks!

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 11:54 am

Chris thank you, There are so many positive ways to handle the drama, but most folks choose the weakest link, unfortunately. It’s just climbing a hill, one step at a time. Thanks for your insight.

Nancy Loehr May 20, 2015 at 7:48 pm

Linda – great advice – you have really put it in perspective with the affirmations you have in here. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

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