How to Develop Creative Thinking, part 2

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on May 20, 2015



Where does my Creating Thinking come from – Recap:


Yesterday, I gave you a background of what Creative Thinking really is & where it comes from.  “Creating Thinking is something that you’ve seen, heard, had experience with a some time in your life.”


These thoughts / learned information, are stored in your mind, & when you are trying hard to remember how to do something, you can bring that learned information to the surface of your memory.  However, in order to do that, you have to think intensely about what your issue is that you want to remember & it will surface into your thoughts through a dream, vision, or just click in your mind.








How to develop Creative Thinking:



Now, I would like to give you some ideas or examples of how to come up with & develop your creative thoughts.

Some of these ideas may or may not suit you, but be open mined to see if one of these methods help to trigger something in your mind when you’re trying to come up with creative thoughts.





Watch People:    Go downtown, to the mall, a park & sit on a bench, anywhere & just observe people as they pass by.  Try to imagine what kind of life they lead, what they’re like, what type of work they do., foods or drinks they may like.


Write it down right away:    Write down ideas as you think of them.  Keep paper & pen handy at all times, in your car, your bag, your pocket, by your computer, the night stand, next to your TV chair.


Listen to music:    Listen to whatever sparks your imagination, regardless of the genre, or even something you’ve never heard before.  Just be sure the music is not annoying & instead more relaxing to you.


Exercise:     Go for a walk, go run, shoot some hoops, play tennis or golf, do jumping jacks, whatever is active but not strenuous, but starts your blood pumping & keeps your mind sharp.


Brainstorm with a friend, co-worker, accountability partner or a 6 year old:    Talk with someone who looks at the world a little differently than you do.  Chances are thy will inspire a new approach.


Do it poorly:     If you’re a perfectionist, don’t be.  Create something that isn’t necessarily your best work, but does get the point across.  Then go back later to fix it or redo it.


Keep a journal:    Write about your life & what’s important to you, then revisit your thoughts when you need new ideas.


Free write:    Sit down the computer or with pen / paper, & write whatever comes to mind.  You will be surprised what comes out.


Change your locale:    Find a new quiet place, a park, the beach, a library, or even just a different room.  As  you sit there, just let your mind wander by being there.  I call it “being still”, when I’m just “still” I find things just come to me from my heart.


Wash the dishes, do the ironing, or mow the lawn:    These are easy tasks & they give you a feeling of accomplishment while you’re trying to think.


Pray, read the bible, or read a personal development book:    Putting life into a spiritual or positive perspective, can take the pressure off & jump start the creative juices.


Sleep on it:    If nothing is working, your best bet may be to give up for now.  Let your subconscious create overnight & you’ll have fresh ideas tomorrow.






These are just a short list of ideas that are beneficial to me & more will come to you for your own comfort.  These are only triggers to help stimulate your memory.


Just remember, you already have the information inside of  your mind, you only have to bring it out of yourself.  Never force the thoughts, or they’ll either not come out, or they’ll be altered from the pressure.


Most importantly, have fun!




“Have patience with all things, but first have patience with yourself”…….





I do hope you enjoyed today’s blog & were able to take something away from this subject.. Please leave me your comments below, I would love to hear them.  Most importantly, thank you for visiting my post.




See you tomorrow………  




BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.   CLICK HERE   for & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may email me a:


Erica Udeanu May 20, 2015 at 9:55 am

Again … where do you come up with your inspirational ideas? Brainstorm with a 6 year old … that’s CLASSIC and I can imagine some amazing stuff would come up … out of the mouths of babes!

Linda Frame May 20, 2015 at 12:06 pm

Thank you Erica, yeah a 4-8 yr old will tell you like it is, before they get too influenced & afraid to say what’s on their mind. Things just seem so logically simply in their eyes in that age range. I remember telling my Dad in my observing years while they still had the boat house/marina asking him my whys about how he did things. Then later after I was 9yrs old, doing the same tasks then myself a different way & him asking me “why” I did it that way. I gave him my ‘logical’ reasoning & never heard him say anymore about it. Later after supper, I overheard my Dad tell my Mom, “she just showed me a new way to do the deck stripping that would have saved days of time for me back years ago”…… Out of the mouths of babes!

Chris Moofish May 20, 2015 at 7:16 pm

Thanks for sharing inspirational ideas Linda, think i can hear a tune playing in my mind 🙂

Helen Lingard May 21, 2015 at 3:34 am

wow..what an interesting post Linda – thank you 🙂

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