Always Be Kinder, Than You Feel …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 17, 2019

Wow, if only you felt like being nice on a given day, that’s a little hard sometimes isn’t it. You may start out with good intentions, but then there’s the breakfast stains you just painted on your shirt, the dog jumped up on you with muddy paws. Oh man, the traffic was bruttle and you were late for work, great the boss decided it was your fault that something went on ….

If these don’t sound familiar, then I am sure you have some to add. But what’s my point here, ‘Always be kinder, than you feel’ …

Even if you have some of these stumbles in your day that I have have mentioned above, there is no reason you can’t be kinder to others regardless of how you feel. You may not get this at first, but you really are NOT too busy to be kind to others.

Okay, I am already feeling conflict; ‘you just don’t understand’, or ‘I don’t have time, I try to’ … and so there goes the list of excuses.

I challenge you and I hope you listen to this. Starting right now, the next person you see, I want you to just smile, or open the door for them. Then I want you to stop a moment after they’ve moved away from you and reflect on how you actually feel.

A single solitary split second kind gesture not only made a difference to someone else, it also made a difference inside of you didn’t it. Now if for some reason it did NOT make a difference in how you felt, then you weren’t kind enough. Try again, do the same gesture and add a “Hi” to it.

Notice how the other person reacted, it actually made them smile didn’t it. What about you, it should have warmed your heart and if it didn’t, you still need to keep practicing until it becomes a second nature reaction of yours.

Being kind to someone you don’t know is the nicest gift you can give another person. Afterall, that may be the only kindness that stranger has received in a very long time.

Always be kinder, than you feel … linda frame

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