How Honest Are You?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on December 31, 2019

There are so many people who are helpful & kind to others. There are those who walk right by someone who is in need & not think twice about it. Some people can be depended on & others are not reliable at all. What is the common factor in all of these examples?

Those examples are all actions from people, no words, no explanations, just their actions. Someone’s actions are very telling about a person, especially when their words don’t match their actions. As a result, their actions prove their spoken words mean nothing.

There is another quality about a person that is very important. A persons truthfulness, if they speak with facts or if they make them up. If there is any doubt whether someone can be trusted or not, it will break a relationship of any kind. Doubt will throw up red flags & damage your credibility.

Honesty is the most important characteristic anyone can have. Doing the right thing at all times just comes naturally to people who are honest. Their words are factual, their actions & their words match. Being honest & humble is incredibly powerful …

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