I Am Such A Loser …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 1, 2020

So many people are just lost. They feel defeated, not valued, disrespected & just a loser. You may even relate to this, nothing you do works out right. You try different things, projects or even friends, but nothing works out for you.

After a while you sort of feel like you just can’t win anything. Now that’s when your negative side starts to come out & you say bad things about you, to yourself, you also put yourself down. Now you’ve renamed yourself a screw up or a loser.

You may think this is an extreme example, however, I assure you these are real thoughts I hear from people. If you think these are from those unemployed, in serious debt or homeless people, you’re wrong.
The well employed, living comfortable & those with high IQ’s also do this. Those who talk about losing all the time are not stereotyped.

The next time you are tempted to put yourself down for being a loser, I want you to remember this:
You never lose, either you win or you learn …

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