There’s No Hope for Me …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 23, 2020

Most people don’t plan ahead, don’t keep a nugget of wisdom in their back pocket or store something away for safety sake. Most people are so busy crawling through the mountains of hurdles before them to ever give a thought about planning ahead.

When you face challenges, hurdles & things so frequently go sideways for you, it takes a lot out of you. After time, you slowly find yourself losing your grip on believing there is anything to be hopeful for.

Never feel hopeless because you always have hope deep within you. You must remember, although you’ll have to dig deep in your soul, you do have hope with in your heart. Even when you’re broken, it’s in there. To find more information regarding this subject, see my book: Shattered …

So today, find something to hope for so it’s in there when your lost, you dig deep in your soul. There’s always hope & you’ve had it within yourself all the time, that’s why you never give up …

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