I Cannot Stand Myself …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 24, 2020

You would be astonished at the numbers of people who do not like themselves or would even consider loving themselves. I’ve heard this argument daily throughout my career. The numbers continue to be sadly staggering.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t like to be alone is because they ‘can’t stand’ themselves.
Now if you cannot stand yourself or even like yourself, how in the world do you expect anyone else to like or even love you.

You may think you’re not beautiful, trendy, smart, intellectual, savvy, stylish, clever, funny, creative, talented, artistic, dependable, or even simply likable. However, you have no idea the number of people whose heart you touch every day …

You will never know who may be watching & listening to you, admiring you for just who you are. Start looking at yourself with more dignity, respect, love & equality. Start accepting yourself, gratefully …

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