Why Am I Such A Failure …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 28, 2020

Having something go wrong that you are doing, working on, preparing or unable to complete is immediately labeled as a failure. There’s so many things wrong with with that word.

We actually do not fail at any thing, we just didn’t do it right that particular time or two. It’s not the end of the world, it’s not permanent, you just found a way not to do it.

So instead of being dramatic about how it won’t work, just go back & try it again. The energy you waste on the negative takes you away from doing it right.

When you focus what you do right & knowing you can just try again, removes the stress & tension from you. So always remember, failure is only a temporary bruise & not a permanent tattoo. Never give up …

For more information: http://authorlindaframe.com

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