by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on February 12, 2020

For some one to have self pity, it is a learned behavior. Some where or some time in a persons past, self pity was successfully acted out in either being rewarded to get their way. Or self pity was their go to when they felt no one else cared. Either way, self pity is one of the most damaging behavior learned.

Self pity eventually is so harmful to you in so many ways. Here’s just a few:

– Being rewarded for pouting only teaches someone they can always manipulate others into enabling them to get their way.

– Focusing on negative problems instead of positive solutions will only destroy confidence & never teach themselves how to handles challenges, or problems of any kind.

– Physically, continuous obsession with negative thoughts will only benefit to depress your immune system, increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, compromise you’re thyroid –
blood sugar levels, stomach enzymes , pancreas & intestinal function, etc…

This list goes on & on to more serious issues. To say nothing about the time & energy it takes away from yourself.

It may be tempting, but don’t waste yourself on self pity. Stand up & fix what’s wrong yourself & move on. Self pity is like sitting stuck with a flat tire, you’re not going to get any where, unless you change …

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