There Is No Way I can Do This …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on February 13, 2020

There are a lot of powerful words & phrases out there preferred by people. The most important is to find something that works comfortably for you to keep you going.

Is it silly? Absolutely not, it’s empowering for you.
Do you need to share or tell others about it? No, why would you, you don’t need their acceptance.
Strengthening words or phrases are yours, your personal go to when you need a kick it the backside to get you going & believe in yourself.

If you’ve never had your own, “I Can” this always a good one to start with. So what do you do with it? You believe in it that You Can do it, anything & nothing can stop you.

But maybe your current circumstances are ‘not yours’ & that’s ‘impossible’ to change.
Why, you are the only one in control of you, what you do/don’t do & how you do it. No one else is, so move from it, you’re not a rooted tree!

But maybe your current physical status prevents you from doing what you want.
Why, your body may have restrictions now, but your mind does not. Start being more creative & compromise.

But I can’t lose my job, I need the income.
Why, have you not gotten on that incredible device called a computer & found something to replace your job that you hate, with.

Get the idea here? The only limitations you have, is your own mind.
You CAN …

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