I Give Up, There’s Nothing I Can Do Anymore …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on February 14, 2020

When people are at the lowest, they’re completely drained. When they have gone through issues circumstances & challenges, they feel beaten. Those are helpless places to be for sure, I know.

However, the only thing worse than that, is being without hope! When you can’t hang on to hope any longer, the darkness all around you becomes even worse.

This is the time when you have to make yourself dig deep & believe me, this will be the hardest thing to do. You will have to force yourself to do this even if you think you can’t, but you’re the only one who can.

Making yourself find a spec of positive in a blown up world for yourself, is critical. Pulling out a minute sprig of hope is always there if you dig down deeper. If you can’t find it, then you haven’t dug deep enough, so keep digging.

That, is the very thing that will help you pull yourself all the way back up. That partial piece of hope is amazing. And if you make your soul believe hard enough, it will get you back up.
How do I know, that’s exactly what brought me back & up, to be able to help you today …

for more information, click here: http://authorlindaframe.com

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