Words Can Hurt …

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on May 27, 2021

Daily Adveersity Support
Words Can Hurt …

People don’t always realize what they’re saying when speaking, the words just roll out, no filter, no understanding or no comprehension. The moment those words are out of their mouth … there can be happiness, support or pain felt instantly by the receiver.

Now, in this world now one would think others would be more sensitive and aware of someone’s feelings or situation if they know them. Even if someone is a stranger, careful words should be used so as not to judge.

As you know by now, the key to this thought of “one would think” is exactly the problem today. People do not think, they are only thinking of themselves and not looking beyond themselves.

Words can make such an immediate difference of: comfort, healing, happiness, confidence, support or strength. Many find these from: https://dailyadversitysupport.com which are words and thoughts presented daily to help anyone before starting the day, to help get the right state of mind.

Words can never be taken back either, once receieved they either comfort or burn a hole through someones heart that will forever stay there.

Remember, choose your words carefully before you make a permanent affect on another being. What you say can literally change someones world in a moment …

“Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”……

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