How You Start Your Day Can Change Everything

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on January 30, 2015

HELLO everyone, I’m glad to see you back here today.  My name is Linda Frame.  I’m here today with your:  “Daily Adversity Support” ……

Authors Note: For my background information, please visit my Profiles on Facebook and Linkedin.

As you know, if you’ve followed my blog, I post everyday a few words of encouragement and sometimes I have a story to share with you that will help you see you are not alone. These daily blogs are meant to speak to your heart and soul about things that may be on your mind, issues that you may have been going through, or things you may not have known about but may help someone you know.  

If a particular topic of the day here doesn’t suit you, or as I like to say: “speak to you”, that’s fine maybe tomorrows message will.  Just remember, I speak only from my heart through whom I have become as a person, from the adversities I have faced throughout my  life. 

So,  WELCOME, here we go with today’s thoughts about adversities, some call challenges, hurdles, road blocks, bumps in the road.  What ever fits your case today, lets talk about it.  


Today I would like to talk to you about how you start your day, how your day begins the moment you open you eyes.  For many of you, an alarm clock starts buzzing away startling you out of maybe a wonderful dream.  For others maybe your alarm is music to get you up, which also may be a startling event if the volume is up high enough.  I remember in college I had a very hard time getting up, I had 4, yes, FOUR of those large Big Ben loud ringing alarm clocks.  I had all of those alarm clocks strategically placed all around the room, set 5 minutes apart, far enough away so I couldn’t reach any of them, so I purposely had to get up and walk to them to shut them off.  But, without fail I seemed to wind up back in the warm bed and of course fell back to sleep.  However, living in my own rented apartment off campus, I had what became my “back up plan” to get me awake and start my day off on a more positive note.

Now this method I had for getting up in the morning was not planned, it happened by chance I suppose but it worked for me.  I’m not suggesting this is for you and it’s certainly not for everyone, in fact, there may be a few of you saying: “eeuwwww no way”, but for me, it worked out just fine.  For some unknown reason, only after my “4th” alarm clock went off and IF I crawled back to bed, this happened:  my cat, who had free reign of the apartment, came into action.  She, my Cat, would get on the bed, stand on my chest, pat me with her paw on both of my cheeks & give my nose at lick!  Okay, for those of you who are not cat lovers I get it “euwwwww”.  But for those who know me and for all you others who are animal lovers, you understand how sweet that was.  For the remaining mornings of my life through and since my college years, I have been a woken up to whom ever got to me first: the gentle paws of the dogs on the side of the bed or the feisty cats.   But I’m not here to discuss my ‘wake up methods’ with you today, so let’s get to it.


When and how you start your day is very, important because it’s how you ‘set the tone’ for the rest of your day.  The state of mind you accept in the first few minutes after you wake up has a large influence of how your day will be.  But first of all, you have to fight off the negative thoughts about the current days activities.  Don’t wake up with your very first thought: “oh man, I don’t want to go to work”, or, “oh it’s too cold out there”, or, “I’m already late, so what”, or, “I hate my job”…  All that negative puts you into a negative mindset and your whole day will only reflect negativity.  Is that what you really want?  Is that what being given a life is suppose to be like, always negative?

Do not start a new day feeling all the negatives you felt before you went to bed.  Do not start your day with the hatred of yesterday.  Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our lives, and I know you may have heard that before haven’t you.  Then believe it, think it, feel it and embrace it because this new day is your new start, your new chapter in your life, your new chance to change your attitude about everything that made you become so negative all the time.  Do it, feel it, live it, try on the new feeling of looking at something in a positive way. Take this new positive feeling for a test drive and see how it feels to see things that use to tick you off and instead, smile at it.  Say hello to those you don’t care for, open the door for others and listen to them as they say “thank you” to you.  Wave hi to the crossing guard who is standing out in the cold to protect your, or your neighbors, children as they cross the street.  Offer to carry something that is weighing another person down.  

Listen to what happens when you give a hand to others to help them out of kindness, or give someone a smile when you see they look mad.  The sound you hear from others by holding the door for a stranger, smiling at an elderly individual shuffling along, saying hello to someone you don’t like, will surprise you.  The sound you hear in return is something you don’t usually hear and may sound a bit foreign to you, but that sound is someone telling you:  “thank you”.  It may not be verbal, at first anyway because some of these people feel it strange also just by hearing it (hello), or doing it (holding a door),  or seeing it (waving to them), all coming from you.  

Do you have any idea how just a smile to someone can entirely change them for that moment?  Just saying hi or smiling at someone, whether you know them or not, makes someone smile inside, it releases a chemical in their brain that is soothing and calming to them.  When you even just smile at a stranger who happens to be alone, you have no idea how that may have made their whole day, because that just may have been the first nice greeting they have had all day. That person you held the door for may have been too weak to open that door them self, but the simple act of kindness you gave them helped to encourage them.

When you feel negative, you act and sound negative to everyone who sees you, hears you and is around you.  Negative projects negative and others know (even your pets if you have any), everyone knows.  Negative people can be picked out of a crowd easily and quite honestly, why would you want to even be around someone who is negative all the time.  That projection of negative energy is draining, not just to the negative person themselves but to everyone around them.  It’s honestly exhausting to be around negative people because negativity acts as a vacuum and it sucks all the joy out of everyone else, and it’s like poking a hole in a balloon.  

When you feel positive, you encourage and lift up others around you who sees and hears you.  Positive projects positive and others know (and yes, even the pets know if you have any), everyone know and feels you positive energy.  Positive people smile a lot, automatically do kind things for others and feel happy to help others.  Being positive is a feeling that others want to be around and it becomes contagious.  Those who come around you can’t help but feel impelled to project positive energy themselves because it makes them happy too.  Others around a positive person feel ‘charged’, ambitious, lighter, work goes by quicker and amazingly everyone gets along.

So, this too is something you have a choice of every day you wake up and start your day: to be negative and project negative toxic energy to everyone else?  Or,e  do you choose to be positive and project the positive energy that becomes contagious.   I am going to leave you with a thought today, it’s one of my favorite quotes and I want you to read it carefully, thinking about what the message is really saying:        “Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about”………


See you tomorrow.


I would love to hear from you, your thoughts and comments.  I would also like to hear of any topic suggestions you would like discussed here that may interest you.  

*NOTE:   All comments are kept confidential.






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