Do You Have Control Of Your Stress?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on March 26, 2015

HELLO everyone, thank you for visiting my blog today.  My name is Linda Frame and I am here everyday with:    DAILY ADVERSITY SUPPORT 

Authors Note: For my background information, please visit my Profiles on Facebook and Linkedin.

I’m here to talk about the challenges, the hurdles, those ‘nothing goes right days and the set backs that jump in your way unexpectedly.  You may even feel like that ‘black cloud’ hanging over your head seems to have your name on it.  If a particular topic of the day here doesn’t suit you or doesn’t speak to you, that’s fine, maybe tomorrows topic will seem more interesting to your issues in your life.  Why, because I have been through a lifetime of rock bottom challenges, and I want to share how you can crawl back up successfully.

When challenges, losses, hurt, and struggles build up, they push you down further and further to the point of smothering and overwhelming levels.  You get to a point of being so down, you begin to lock up, you can’t think straight, you begin avoiding everything and everyone because you simply can’t breathe.

However, are you aware that STRESS does exactly the same thing to you?  Stress puts you through the same mechanisms of having loss, hurt, challenges and struggles.  So many of you are going through this now, but are denying it.  Stress pushes you to the point of feeling smothered, overwhelmed, your down, you start to lock up, you aren’t thinking straight, you can’t sleep, and you start avoiding things you once enjoyed, even people you enjoyed.

So now what, even if you think you aren’t stressed out you may want to pay attention to this because I think I have a few things for you the might relieve some of that pressure.  You cannot conquer the world by yourself and you cannot get back up unless you listen to some ideas.




Here are a few things I did to make myself get back up and somehow take control of my life again.  If they’re not for you that’s fine, then share them with someone you know is having trouble.  Remember, stress and life changing events all result into the same problems and you have to get on top of these before you begin to have physical effects from this turmoil.




Divert your focus.  Diversion gives your mind a break from problem solving and caring the burdens around.  It’s impossible to be consumed with ‘worry’ when something else is captivating your interest.


Develop order.  Tidy up things around you and toss clutter.  You can restore a sense of calm to a room with a 30 minute of ‘sort and dump’.


Diffuse.  Push the pressures out of your body through a 20 minute aerobic exercise or a 30 minute walk.


Debrief.  Talk out your tension and down feelings with a safe and trusted friend.


Diversify.  You have to change the channels in your brain.  Problem solving is more effective when your mind frequently rests from a problem, rather than obsessing on it continuously.


Deliberately rest.  Schedule several 5 minute breaks during your day to “let yourself down”, and slow your mind and body.  Do a task that doesn’t require thinking: listen to relaxing music, walk, meditate, pray or whatever you can do to let your brain unwind.


Face your unfinished business.  Make amends whenever possible.  Give forgiveness rather that carrying a grudge.


Decide to trust.  I found one of the best ways to overcome my fears and overwhelmed feelings, was to; “choose” to trust “yourself”.  You have to “believe” in yourself and trust you will find a way back up and out of the issues going on around you.


Get back to the basics.  In order to see clearly with all the blinding stress and sadness around you; sleep at least 8 hours per night, eat well balanced meals (cut back on the carbs they weigh your mind and body down), exercise with either aerobics or walking at least 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week.


Disengage.  If your overwhelmed, step away, give yourself some time and stop trying so hard.  You do not have to fix everything today, nor should you.


Dig in.  Avoiding something only heightens your anxiety.  Evaluate what can be done and just do it.  Don’t let yourself get stuck in the mud by using an “all or nothing” approach.  Pace yourself.


Don’t be a Type E.  You must realize you cannot be Everything to Everybody.  Being a type E is more damaging than being a type A.  You cannot be everyone’s hero and you can resolve everything.  That role is only for one person and He does things in His time.


Just know.  I want to share something I heard this morning I heard from a very dear trusted friend that is so fitting here; “JUST KNOW”.  That fits in and aligns with my earlier remark of Trust.  Trust and Know that what ever you are struggling with, what ever you are stressing over, just “know” you will get there, you’ll get through this and you will get back up.




“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be”………….




See you tomorrow


I have enjoyed all the comments from all of you from everywhere: the posts, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.


For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;

I would love to hear from you, your thoughts and comments.  I would also like to hear of any topic suggestions you would like discussed here that may interest you.  

*NOTE:  All comments are confidential.


Di Downie March 26, 2015 at 11:07 pm

HI Linda,

I think the most important you have in this great blog is DEBRIEF…. I always find sooo much comes from debriefing, so much learning, so much authenticity..

Thankyou Linda


Linda Frame March 29, 2015 at 2:23 pm

Oh I agree Di, your mind can only hold & take so much before your body starts breaking down from the stress overload! I’m so glad you’re debriefing on a regular basis.

Sue Price March 27, 2015 at 1:12 am

Awesome advice Linda. Stress seems to be a growing thing in our world today. The more technology we have and busier we become often the more our stress levels grow. I have had different periods of my life that are worse than others. You have some great tips here and thanks for the reminder to take 5. I tend to get working and lose track of time. Thank you.

Linda Frame March 29, 2015 at 2:21 pm

Thanks Sue. I agree, the technology part has been getting to a lot of us. Keep taking 5 & you’ll survive!

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