What are You Going to Leave Behind for Your Kids & Family?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on April 20, 2015



I’ve been asked this question so many times during my career as a medical professional:  “what would be the best to leave behind for my kids & family, money or possessions”?


Wow, that’s a loaded & complicated question isn’t it.



Think carefully about that for yourself, what would you like most to leave behind for YOUR kids or family.  What would mean the most to them?






I asked each of those who’ve asked me this question throughout the years: “What do you want them to have the most”?


The answers were widely varied:  money, cars, boats, assets, stocks, bonds, private collections, books, animals, vacations, time shares, the house, antiques, war medals, machinery, jewelry, gun collections, deeds, titles, technical equipment.  The list went on & on.




Giving my thoughts or opinions, regarding what they should leave for their kids & family, was not appropriate in my opinion because the individual heart wants what it wants.




However, when those who had nothing to leave behind & expressed great regret, that was simple for me to answer.



I gave them the same answer, I gave my wonderful parents when they too asked me that same question of:                                                                                      “Linda, what can we leave behind for you that we have, that means the most to you”?       

My answer to them was simply:   “You already have;  your Qualities”………   




Qualities are not material or tangible, they’re from within, part of you, your character, style, personality, makeup, it’s what makes you who you are.





Here’s what I’m talking about for QUALITIES, I am forever grateful & truly proud that my own parents instilled these into me, throughout my life:






HONESTY……  always, speak & live the truth.

RESPONSIBILITY……  be trustworthy & dependable.

THOUGHTFULNESS……  always think of others before yourself.

DETERMINATION……  regardless, stick with it until you get it.

CONFIDENTIALITY……  never gossip or tell someone’s secrets, keep your mouth shut.

PUNCTUALITY…… always be on time. 

SELF-CONTROL……  if you’re under stress, always stay calm.  

PATIENCE……  be willing to wait, fight off irritability.

PURITY……  reject anything that lowers your standards.

COMPASSION……when someone else hurts, feel it with them.

DILIGENCE……always work hard, tough it out & finish what you started.


Most importantly, these qualities come out of you naturally & consistently, IF you have them, you can never force them, they’re ‘just there’.

Money cannot buy qualities like these, they’re learned & they’re earned!  So, leave something others can ONLY get from you:  your qualities. 

“To really know about a person, don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do”………..  








See you tomorrow.  


If you would like to become successful by working for yourself & become financially free like I have, CLICK HERE  to find out how I did it.


 For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;  birdiegolf430@gmail.com



Travis Runnels April 21, 2015 at 12:36 pm

Oh I just love this. Love this twist on how we look at what we will leave behind. Leaving behind our qualities and the example of what is possible and how we can live…this is amazing! Thank you for a wonderful post.

Linda Frame April 21, 2015 at 3:04 pm

Exactly Travis, too many people are wrapped up in the material things & forget about the most meaningful qualities they have. Thank you for your kind words Travis.

Sue Price April 21, 2015 at 11:25 pm

I love it Linda. Qualities are so much more important than “things”. At the end of the day we leave all our possessions behind but we can leave our mark on the world. I love your list of qualites and value them all. Thank you for such great advice.

Linda Frame April 22, 2015 at 11:51 am

Thank you Sue, I’m so glad found the secret to qualities. “Things” can be replaced, but qualities live in us forever.

Linda Frame April 29, 2015 at 1:03 pm

You are sooo correct Sue, Thank you for your thoughts I always love it.

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