Who Is YOUR Hero?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on April 22, 2015



Do you have a Hero?


Did you have a Hero as a child growing up?


Most kids do, a superstar athlete, singer, action figure, movie actor, television series star, musical superstars, or maybe, it was your parent(s).






What really is a Hero?  I think we could all agree the general answer is:  ‘someone who is noted for their special or exceptional achievements.’



We use to keep our ‘Hero’ vividly in our minds throughout the day/night, we wanted to be like them, to have their skills & talent.  Today, thanks to merchandising, we can “wear” our Hero’s with; t-shirts, gear, clothing, you name it & your Hero’s name or picture is on it.



I get it, maybe you can’t afford all the memorabilia items, they’re expensive.  Maybe your struggling to get by right now, that’s okay, you don’t need to BUY anything to be a Hero.



Even if you weren’t raised in a great atmosphere, it’s still okay & you don’t need to buy a thing, because you can create someone elses new Hero memories.



Why do you think we’ve all had at least one Hero growing up? 

That’s right, a sort of escape from reality to an imaginary world or life.  No harm, no shame, just fun to adventure somewhere else for a while.



But, let me ask you, what is the most memorable Hero that will live in your hearts forever?


The superhero conquering the bad guys, the superstar making the winning shot, putt, goal, homerun, point, performance or song….



The real Hero is the individual that spends time with you, the one you can do fun things with & not realize you learned something special.


Who can be a Hero?  Anyone who cares…..  Keep reading, you’ll see what I’m talking about.






Kids today really desperately need these Types of Hero’s, WHO…….



Who….listens eye to eye & with both ears, even if it means getting down on one knee.


Who….laughs until their belly hurts & tears flow, while secretly creating deep friendships & memories that last a lifetime.


Who….plays catch, love tea parties, play tag, or even wrestle, because the heart of a child is right there & they set out to capture it before it’s gone.


Who….makes mistakes, but consider them to be wonderful opportunities to learn.


Who….makes time for a child’s soccer, baseball or basketball game, a school play, ballet, tap or gymnastics class, because these are priorities to those playing.


Who….loves at all times, because love is a gift that’s freely given & not a reward for ‘service well done’.


Who….hears about those in need & are flexible enough to say, “let’s do something to help right now!”, then give generously of your time & kindness.


Who….gives the credit to others & empower those they touch to succeed in everything they do.


Who….models love as action, commitment, & truth even when it hurts, because they believe God can work miracles in even the hardest heart.






A Hero is NOT about money, ranking, popularity, stature, or connections.  A true Hero gives of themselves unconditionally & consistently.


So, do you have a Hero?


Go & thank your Hero, for caring about you.





“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”  –  Maya Angelou





See you tomorrow.  


Are you struggling to get by, have you found yourself out of work, are you so down that you’re having trouble getting back up, has your life changed by a devastating incident? 

I honestly know exactly what you are going through, I’ve just recovered from the similar issues you are going through, I lost my job, no longer had any money left, I was terrified.

Let me share with you how I got myself back up, became successful again & financially free, quickly just from working at home.  CLICK HERE  to see how I did it, I promise, you won’t regret taking a minutes to see this. 


For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;  birdiegolf430@gmail.com


Sue Price April 23, 2015 at 9:45 pm

Love this post Linda. For me it was my grandfather when I was young and my Dad as well. Then I had a whole lot of “false” type heros. To be more clear – people I turned into heros. Now without a doubt it is my husband. He is my biggest supporter and has my back 100%, A great message thank you.

Linda Frame April 29, 2015 at 1:09 pm

You are so bless to have the unconditional support now from your husband, he must be a great man. One day I hope to meet him personally. Our imagination does play tricks on us to believe what we want about hero’s. However the true hero’s for us came from those with honest values. Thank you for your thoughts Sue. I love it.

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