Do You Know How to Start a Conversation?

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on April 23, 2015



How do you talk to your children, or anyone when you’re trying to have a conversation?


Let me put that in another way, how do you start a conversation with your kids, with an adult, or with anyone for that matter?



Do you feel comfortable & confident starting conversations with others?






Surprisingly, many people do not, they just hold back & wait for the other person to start the talking.


Are you like that, or do you know people like that?  I’m sure you at least know someone that lets you do most of the talking.




I ask these questions because there really are people who have difficulty starting conversation with others.



For example, my oldest brother & I who are very close & we both have this issue, believe it or not.  We’ll sit in the car & ride miles before one of us starts a conversation after the small talk is completed.


Now, how can that be if we’re close, care about one another & we’re brother & sister, that can’t be.  Oh yes it is!



My brother & are both in professions where we help others, we are constantly communicating, guiding & teaching others with our knowledge & experience. 

However, when it comes to just plain family conversation, we’re lost for words.



We get along wonderfully, we work well together, love each other.  

When I had my accident last year, he rarely left my side, he protected me, spoke for me when I couldn’t, guided me when I couldn’t, & couldn’t have done enough for me.  He’s always been this way & I’ve been that way for him.


But, until we land on a subject we’re both passionate about, silence can be deafening.



So many people have this issue & the experts will tell you: “it’s a time of trust”.  What?



When we are with someone we truly trust & feel totally comfortable with, some of us have that ‘time of trust’, when saying nothing for a while is okay & not even uncomfortable.  We should also not be offended by the silence.



The truth be said, my brother & I are really both very shy, we keep our personal issues & pain to ourselves, we don’t gossip, we don’t talk about or find fault with others just to talk, & we are not social butterfly’s.  We have a lot of knowledge & experience to give & contribute, but otherwise we are flat out, just shy.




So where am I going with this, & No, it’s not to talk about my brother or myself.

It’s to let you all know of this issue many people have & according to the experts, it’s very common & there’s nothing wrong with it.




I have accumulated several conversation starter suggestions for those who have the silent issue also.



You can use most of these on adults or children, because let’s face it, when your kids become a certain age, it’s harder & harder to talk to them too.

In addition, many of you work in a profession where, when you get home, or get around others away from work, & you just don’t want to talk to anyone, so  you let someone else start, if at all.  It’s not personal at all.




Try some of these Conversation Starters:



What is your favorite food?


What’s your favorite song?


What talent or skill do you wish you had or knew how to do?


What was the neatest birthday present you ever received?


What makes you laugh?


Where would you like to go for a vacation, if you could go anyplace in the world?


If you had to move & could take only three (3) things with you, what would you take?


How would you describe the “ideal” father or mother, or family?


What is something you can do pretty well?


What is your favorite color?


What is your best friend really like?


What’s your favorite animal?


How would you describe yourself to someone who does not know you?


What is something that really bugs you, (or stated differently), what is your ‘pet peeve’?


What kind of trophy would you like to win, in doing what?


Has there been a time, when you felt so proud of yourself?  What were you doing?


What kind of store or business would you like to own & operate?


If you received $5,000 as a gift, how would you spend it, or what would you do with it?


What is your favorite room in the house? Why?


What kind of a job do you want to have in 5, 10, or 20 years?


If someone could give you anything in the world for your birthday, what would you like it to be?


What would you invent, to make life better?






Are these weird questions to start a conversation?  No they’re not, because for one thing, they’re not yes or no questions.

Another thing, these questions show the other person, you’re interested & care about them.



So, the next time you don’t know what to say & the silence is driving you crazy, try it.   Who knows, you might learn something.





“I have been given endless talents, which I begin to utilize today”…………




See you tomorrow.  


BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.  CLICK HERE & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting:  privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may  at;



Sue Price April 23, 2015 at 9:32 pm

I have never had a problem with this Linda but I understand many people do. I was the kid who had to leave the class room because I talked to much.As a professional I learned to listen more but I am pretty good with starting conversations. You have some great suggestions here for people who are more shy. Another great post thank you.

Linda Frame April 29, 2015 at 1:06 pm

HAHA, you are so funny Sue, I never had that problem of being told to leave class for talking too much. But, I wasn’t a listener either until I became a much more mature adult after college. I do hope these triggers can shed some light & hope for others. Thanks for your funny story.

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