“I Don’t Know What to DO For Them” | How you can learn the art & adventure of GIVING of yourself

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on June 20, 2015









It’s no surprise, we all love to receive something from someone, don’t we.


A gift is so nice & thoughtful, wrapped so pretty, almost too pretty to open sometimes.



In fact there are several type of gift givers:

  • the one who goes all over town to find the perfect gift just for you,
  • the one who finds anything in eyesight & have it wrapped for you,
  • the cash/check money gift from you,
  • the gift card at one of you favorite store (maybe even theirs),
  • & the “re-gifter”, the gift you’re getting is something they received before, didn’t like it themselves, but thought you may like it better!









But, things, objects, material, tangible things, is NOT what I’m talking about today.




Today, is about giving of a different kind.



This type of giving takes more creative effort maybe, but the feelings received by the receiver & yourself, are absolutely priceless.








How to learn the art & adventure of GIVING of YOURSELF





Taking someone shopping:

Instead of just handing someone a gift or money, take the time to take them shopping for their gift.  Then take them to lunch.

The time & effort you’re giving them is something you can’t find in a box, & the quality time at lunch is so special.




Anonymous giving:

Search & listen for specific needs people have & then figure out a way to meet those needs undetected.

It gives the receiver a sign that “yes, there IS hope”, & I promise you, your hope & belief will change also.




Planning for annual gifts:

Set aside money throughout the year to anticipate in a summer Mission opportunity through your Church. 

It’s a once in a lifetime experience to go & feel how truly grateful those people receiving react to you.  It also puts you in a different perspective of what life really is about.




Giving as a family:

So many families, friends or groups are discovering the absolute joy of, pooling their money together they would normally spend on each other, & get gifts for a family or person who is less fortunate. 

I’ve done this for a family who’s little 6 & 7 year old boy & girl were not going to have Christmas from Santa because Mom lost her job.  I bought them bicycles.  They were not top of the line by any means, but their reactions were absolutely priceless.




Hiring for services:

There are many people who have talents not many know of.  Find someone you know that has a side talent or skill (from their j.o.b) & “commission, or hire” them to do something for you.  It will help them with extra income & they’ll love doing what they love to do!

I work with a woman who is a very skilled nurse at work.   But, she LOVES to make cupcakes, it’s her passion.  So word spread & she has cupcake orders all the time for parties, weddings, bridal & baby showers, meetings, events, etc.  She’s known as “The Cupcake Lady”, she gets to do what she loves to do, while putting out her love through her talent in decorating.  She’s awesome!!  In fact, I’m having withdrawals of her chocolate cupcakes…..




Picking up the tab:

Paying the check for lunch or dinner when you’re out with a friend.  Covering the costs of ‘back to school’ supplies or textbooks for a family’s child.  Paying for half of someones tuition at their school.  Paying a neighbors utility bill for a month.  Paying for other neighbors food to feed their dog or cat.  Pick up someones prescriptions for them & pay for it for them.

This experience is such a surprise for them & my feeling was stunning.  A widowed elderly neighbor’s world revolves around her little dog, but Social Security is minimal & tight when you own a house & people continue to sacrifice themselves.  By picking up a prescription & large bag of dog food for the dog, is priceless for you both.



Recycling things while cleaning out:

When you upgrade your computer system, give someone your old one (if it works), they may not even have one that works, if they have one at all.  OR give it to a student with you promise you will mentor them on their word processing skills (not all teenagers are a wiz on the computer or even have the money to buy one).  If you’re cleaning out your garage of what you don’t want, ask a family member, friend or neighbor if they could use your unbroken items.  OR, have a “Free Garage Giveaway” (set up just like a garage ‘sale’).

These simple items will be cherished by them because they most likely couldn’t afford to get their own, new.  I love doing Free Giveaways, everyone’s reaction is awesome that it’s free.  Great way to meet new people too who appreciate things like this.




For no reason gifts:

When you give gifts for no apparent reason, is so special & thoughtful.  A ‘just because’ gift is a creative way to express care & love to someone, especially when you give them in unusual ways.

The meaning these ‘no reason’ gifts have & are truly warming when given, & always seems to be cherished.  I still see the ‘just because’ gifts sitting in special places of friends home of whom I’ve given to & they still talk about them!









Do these look like a lot of work?  Actually their not at all.




When you give of yourself, you’re giving a part of  you, you’re sharing something that money cannot buy, you’re giving:

  • your time,
  • your admiration,
  • your understanding,
  • your ‘been through it’ compassion,
  • your strength
  • your heart
  • your caring spirit
  • you’re giving them hope




Don’t do any of these giving suggestions, unless you are doing it for the right reason.




But, Do give of yourself,  “just because” that’s who you are.






“Making one person smile can change the world, maybe not the whole world, but their world”…..





I hope enjoyed today’s blog & were able to take something away from this subject.. Please leave me your comments below, I would love to hear them.  Most importantly, thank you for visiting my post.




See you tomorrow……  




BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.   CLICK HERE   for & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may email me a:  birdiegolf430@gmail.com


Rhonda Johnson June 21, 2015 at 2:35 am

Awesome Post Linda, I agree that many times it’s the gifts that are “Your time” that make all the difference.“Making one person smile can change the world, maybe not the whole world, but their world” Thanks for reminding me of this, I usually say good-morning and smile at people along my way in the morning, but I think I will make an even extra effort because like you say, it might be that one smile that makes someones day that really needs it. I sure know what that feels like when the day has not been the best day but than suddenly out of the blue someone will go the extra mile for you, it’s the most rewarding feeling, like someone noticed you needed a lift and they went out of their way to give it to you. Thanks

Linda Frame June 25, 2015 at 12:25 pm

Rhonda, you’ve got it right. It’s amazing how that one gesture or two will recharge someone or give them spark of hope to give them the strength they need. Thank you so much Rhonda for your thoughts & insights.

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