How Can I Possibly Believe in Anything, Nothing’s Going Right! | Here’s how you can make belief simple

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on June 21, 2015






Haven’t you had days when you’ve wanted to just scream this out, when nothing is going the right way??


Boy I have, & I’ve seen those around me face these times too.


Sometimes you just think you’d be better off going back to bed before you hurt yourself or anyone else!




Oh trust me, you’re NOT alone here.



So how in the world can you get this free fall to turn around?




First of all, STOP!




You know now what can go wrong, so, it’s out of your system & start over with a “fresh” thought & mindset.



Just take a Mulligan, that’s a practice swing in golf.  Well, it’s actually a missed shot like you just made when things just fell apart & start over with a free swing at it, without a penalty.




Okay, now re-group, get yourself under control.




Before you start a thing here, I want you to just think about these few thoughts:









(Say to yourself out loud)




I believe in the sun, even though it’s not shining,

I believe in love, even when it isn’t shown,

I  believe in God, even when he doesn’t speak,

I believe in myself, even when I weaken & stumble,

I believe in myself, & I know I can & will, do this.


Believing in yourself, is all the tools you need to do anything in life that you have a passion to do.

Your belief in yourself will get you everything you want.

It’s not rocket science, it’s not expensive, it’s not hard.

Just believe in yourself.  No one else knows what’s in your heart the way you do.

“Believe in yourself, even if no one else believes in you”…..





See you tomorrow…  



I do hope you have enjoyed this message today & it has inspired you do stand up & make a difference in your own life.  Please feel free to leave me a comment below to share how this has made you think about your own situation.



BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.   CLICK HERE   for & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may email me a:


Erica Udeanu June 22, 2015 at 8:44 am

These are beautiful mantras to repeat. It’s easy to stop believing when you don’t see something … but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there.

Linda Frame June 25, 2015 at 12:47 pm

Getting back to our basics can be so hard to remember, when things are falling down around you. Thank you Erica for your insight.

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