OH NO! I Don’t Know How to Be a Parent! | How to be a “parent”, of any kind, with these EASY steps.

by Linda Frame, RN-Medical Content Writer Freelance on June 25, 2015

OH NO!  I Don’t Know How To Be A Parent!





I have to think, we’ve all known someone who’s made this statement, maybe it was you?


Or, maybe it was a friend or family member who was suddenly torn between excitement & fear.





Oh boy, now you’re going to be responsible for another being.


Whether the child is yours, a step-child, a niece, a nephew, a close friends.




Even those of you who are ‘fur baby’ parents or guardians, you can modify these super easy thoughts for your situation of parenting.





We already know there are a ton of parenting books out there, from ‘Parenting 101″ to the “XYZ of Raising Kids”.


But, unless you:  A) memorize everything written in those books, or B) have a 24 hour psychology consultant living with you, let’s face it it’s complicated.






So, let me simplify a few basics for you or your friends that you can actually help them with, yeah really.



Whether you are a parent, Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, step families, or guardian out there, you will relate to this.



This is for everyone who comes in contact with another being.  Just change it up & tailor it to your individual situation.













(Involved guardian or at a distant)


Focus on the positives & assist them with their negatives.  Don’t expect perfection from them, nor will they turn & expect it from you.  Remember, they are often immature & as they grow, are frequently impulsive.  Be patient with them.


Hug them often & tell them you love them everyday.  Give them compliments & encourage them versus discouraging them.  Don’t yell, hit, name call or belittle them.  Treat them gently & with respect.  Treasure them.


The world is full of dangers & temptations.  As a parent or guardian, you are their protector.  Watch over & warn them.  Protect them without being paranoid.  Most importantly, pray for them daily.


One of the biggest problems, is emotional distance from them.  Be close to them & spend quality time with them.  Laugh with them; play with them, & truly enjoy them.  Take them on walks, outings & vacations.  Focus & connect with them.


There are lessons you learned from life, so pass them on.  Teach the truth & honesty.  Provide reasonable rules & consistent consequences when those rules are broken.  Be strong & give them security without being rigid, insensitive, abusive, angry, or exasperating.


Study them.  They’re wonderful creations.  Listen to them, watch them & ask them questions.  Talk with them & not to them.  Discover their likes & dislikes, their dreams & fears, their strengths & weakness.  Recognize how special & unique they are.


These are the easy things to learn about being around & helping to make a difference in others, in a positive healthy manner.

It takes a lot of responsibility to be a positive figure in someone’s life.

But, anyone yes anyone, can do this.  It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to lead from your heart.

Just follow the simple A‘sof parenting, that I’ve listed above.  You’re going to be just fine.

“People don’t always need advice.  Sometimes all they need, is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, & a heart to understand them”…..

See you tomorrow…  



I do hope you have enjoyed this message today & it has inspired you do stand up & make a difference in your own life.  Please feel free to leave me a comment below to share how this has made you think about your own situation.



BY THE WAY: Are you having challenges or struggling with things in you life, lost your job, out of money, recovery from injuries with bills coming in overwhelming you, grieving, down or depressed?  I know what you’re going through, I’ve been there, it hurts, its terrifying & you have no clue where to turn.

I honestly have been through this myself.  I was in a tragic accident last year & lost my job / income, my health & mobility.  I was devastated, the bills never stopped coming in & I was drowning in debt.  Sound somewhat familiar?

Let me share with you what I did that literally saved my life.  I’ve been able to completely turn my l life around, get back up, become more successful than ever before & financially free.   CLICK HERE   for & pay close attention to this


For those of you who have been requesting privacy regarding questions & further issues, you may email me a:  birdiegolf430@gmail.com


Sue Price June 25, 2015 at 7:23 pm

Linda I think being a parent is a role no one really prepares us for. We can read all the books on it but when you are there with a brand new baby it is a whole different experience. Although I personally think it is easier then then when they are teenagers. 🙂 I also think the 4 legged variety are easier again.

You A’s are all necessary. Thanks for another great post.

helenlingard June 25, 2015 at 7:36 pm

I hope I have been a great parent Linda… I was always very open with my kids… although one thing I know I’ve been guilty of which I get from my parents.. and thats being too ‘opionated’ then a good friend said to me ‘what do you want from your mother’ ‘love and acceptance’ so now I’ve backed off and give that… not easy but so worthwhile.. great blog Linda thanks

Linda Frame July 1, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Helen, all you can do is the best you can with them, & hope they “heard” you enough to put it to use. From your mother, just be you & nothing else. Life is short, live every day to the fullest, stop & smell the flowers along the way & take time to always listen more & speak less. Thank you for your thoughts.

Erica Udeanu June 27, 2015 at 6:58 am

I’m a mother of a 4-legged child and I can still relate to nearly every single point when it comes to her … especially this one … “Protect them without being paranoid”.

For some reason I became so over-protective when I first started going outdoors with her which was totally irrational considering she used to live on the streets. So I’ve learned to trust her instincts and believe that she knows what’s best for her when she’s out and about.

And I’m referring mainly to what she eats and drinks when she’s out. Her foraging for food when I thought she was looking for a good place to do her business always used to freak me out … what if she ate something bad for her?

Same thing with water … what if drank something stale?

Now I just have to trust that she knows what she’s doing 😉

Linda Frame July 1, 2015 at 4:08 pm

You’re an awesome mother of Lucy. You’re concerned because you love her so much, & Lucy will continue to reciprocate your love, respect & caring for her. She knows where her home is now & she’s also at peace with her choice. As a wonderful mother, you’re/we’re afraid their going to get hurt, find something better or get sick, & that is perfectly normal to be concerned. However, She will eat or drink something she shouldn’t because like children, of whether 2 or 4 legged, they still have to be monitored. I too get concerned with anything that seems “interesting” to them because, I for one, had a dog prior to Lexie, named Brandi, a golden retriever who thought it was perfectly fine to eat rocks! (no, not pebbles or little stones, rocks!). Water could be substituted with anything thee find sitting outside somewhere, & this is what happens to dogs & cats that wind up with poisoning from Antifreeze. So you have every reason to be concerned & over protective. Should you continue to be? You bet, every minute of every day they aren’t in your sight. They are like furry garbage disposals, dogs much more than cats because are pickier of what they eat & drink. So Mother, keep an eye on Lucy because like all dogs, they love to be adventurists. Thank you Erica for sharing, as always.

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